import {immerable} from "../immer" import { ImmerState, Patch, SetState, ES5ArrayState, ProxyArrayState, MapState, ES5ObjectState, ProxyObjectState, PatchPath, get, each, has, getArchtype, isSet, isMap, loadPlugin, ProxyType, Archtype, die, isDraft, isDraftable, NOTHING } from "../internal" export function enablePatches() { const REPLACE = "replace" const ADD = "add" const REMOVE = "remove" function generatePatches_( state: ImmerState, basePath: PatchPath, patches: Patch[], inversePatches: Patch[] ): void { switch (state.type_) { case ProxyType.ProxyObject: case ProxyType.ES5Object: case ProxyType.Map: return generatePatchesFromAssigned( state, basePath, patches, inversePatches ) case ProxyType.ES5Array: case ProxyType.ProxyArray: return generateArrayPatches(state, basePath, patches, inversePatches) case ProxyType.Set: return generateSetPatches( (state as any) as SetState, basePath, patches, inversePatches ) } } function generateArrayPatches( state: ES5ArrayState | ProxyArrayState, basePath: PatchPath, patches: Patch[], inversePatches: Patch[] ) { let {base_, assigned_} = state let copy_ = state.copy_! // Reduce complexity by ensuring `base` is never longer. if (copy_.length < base_.length) { // @ts-ignore ;[base_, copy_] = [copy_, base_] ;[patches, inversePatches] = [inversePatches, patches] } // Process replaced indices. for (let i = 0; i < base_.length; i++) { if (assigned_[i] && copy_[i] !== base_[i]) { const path = basePath.concat([i]) patches.push({ op: REPLACE, path, // Need to maybe clone it, as it can in fact be the original value // due to the base/copy inversion at the start of this function value: clonePatchValueIfNeeded(copy_[i]) }) inversePatches.push({ op: REPLACE, path, value: clonePatchValueIfNeeded(base_[i]) }) } } // Process added indices. for (let i = base_.length; i < copy_.length; i++) { const path = basePath.concat([i]) patches.push({ op: ADD, path, // Need to maybe clone it, as it can in fact be the original value // due to the base/copy inversion at the start of this function value: clonePatchValueIfNeeded(copy_[i]) }) } if (base_.length < copy_.length) { inversePatches.push({ op: REPLACE, path: basePath.concat(["length"]), value: base_.length }) } } // This is used for both Map objects and normal objects. function generatePatchesFromAssigned( state: MapState | ES5ObjectState | ProxyObjectState, basePath: PatchPath, patches: Patch[], inversePatches: Patch[] ) { const {base_, copy_} = state each(state.assigned_!, (key, assignedValue) => { const origValue = get(base_, key) const value = get(copy_!, key) const op = !assignedValue ? REMOVE : has(base_, key) ? REPLACE : ADD if (origValue === value && op === REPLACE) return const path = basePath.concat(key as any) patches.push(op === REMOVE ? {op, path} : {op, path, value}) inversePatches.push( op === ADD ? {op: REMOVE, path} : op === REMOVE ? {op: ADD, path, value: clonePatchValueIfNeeded(origValue)} : {op: REPLACE, path, value: clonePatchValueIfNeeded(origValue)} ) }) } function generateSetPatches( state: SetState, basePath: PatchPath, patches: Patch[], inversePatches: Patch[] ) { let {base_, copy_} = state let i = 0 base_.forEach((value: any) => { if (!copy_!.has(value)) { const path = basePath.concat([i]) patches.push({ op: REMOVE, path, value }) inversePatches.unshift({ op: ADD, path, value }) } i++ }) i = 0 copy_!.forEach((value: any) => { if (!base_.has(value)) { const path = basePath.concat([i]) patches.push({ op: ADD, path, value }) inversePatches.unshift({ op: REMOVE, path, value }) } i++ }) } function generateReplacementPatches_( baseValue: any, replacement: any, patches: Patch[], inversePatches: Patch[] ): void { patches.push({ op: REPLACE, path: [], value: replacement === NOTHING ? undefined : replacement }) inversePatches.push({ op: REPLACE, path: [], value: baseValue }) } function applyPatches_(draft: T, patches: Patch[]): T { patches.forEach(patch => { const {path, op} = patch let base: any = draft for (let i = 0; i < path.length - 1; i++) { const parentType = getArchtype(base) const p = "" + path[i] // See #738, avoid prototype pollution if ( (parentType === Archtype.Object || parentType === Archtype.Array) && (p === "__proto__" || p === "constructor") ) die(24) if (typeof base === "function" && p === "prototype") die(24) base = get(base, p) if (typeof base !== "object") die(15, path.join("/")) } const type = getArchtype(base) const value = deepClonePatchValue(patch.value) // used to clone patch to ensure original patch is not modified, see #411 const key = path[path.length - 1] switch (op) { case REPLACE: switch (type) { case Archtype.Map: return base.set(key, value) /* istanbul ignore next */ case Archtype.Set: die(16) default: // if value is an object, then it's assigned by reference // in the following add or remove ops, the value field inside the patch will also be modifyed // so we use value from the cloned patch // @ts-ignore return (base[key] = value) } case ADD: switch (type) { case Archtype.Array: return key === "-" ? base.push(value) : base.splice(key as any, 0, value) case Archtype.Map: return base.set(key, value) case Archtype.Set: return base.add(value) default: return (base[key] = value) } case REMOVE: switch (type) { case Archtype.Array: return base.splice(key as any, 1) case Archtype.Map: return base.delete(key) case Archtype.Set: return base.delete(patch.value) default: return delete base[key] } default: die(17, op) } }) return draft } // optimize: this is quite a performance hit, can we detect intelligently when it is needed? // E.g. auto-draft when new objects from outside are assigned and modified? // (See failing test when deepClone just returns obj) function deepClonePatchValue(obj: T): T function deepClonePatchValue(obj: any) { if (!isDraftable(obj)) return obj if (Array.isArray(obj)) return if (isMap(obj)) return new Map( Array.from(obj.entries()).map(([k, v]) => [k, deepClonePatchValue(v)]) ) if (isSet(obj)) return new Set(Array.from(obj).map(deepClonePatchValue)) const cloned = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj)) for (const key in obj) cloned[key] = deepClonePatchValue(obj[key]) if (has(obj, immerable)) cloned[immerable] = obj[immerable] return cloned } function clonePatchValueIfNeeded(obj: T): T { if (isDraft(obj)) { return deepClonePatchValue(obj) } else return obj } loadPlugin("Patches", { applyPatches_, generatePatches_, generateReplacementPatches_ }) }