export = Server;
declare class Server {
static get cli(): {
readonly getArguments: () => {
"allowed-hosts": {
configs: (
| {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
| {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
values: string[];
description: string;
/** @typedef {import("os").NetworkInterfaceInfo} NetworkInterfaceInfo */
/** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */
/** @typedef {import("express").Response} Response */
/** @typedef {import("express").NextFunction} NextFunction */
/** @typedef {import("express").RequestHandler} ExpressRequestHandler */
/** @typedef {import("express").ErrorRequestHandler} ExpressErrorRequestHandler */
/** @typedef {import("chokidar").WatchOptions} WatchOptions */
/** @typedef {import("chokidar").FSWatcher} FSWatcher */
/** @typedef {import("connect-history-api-fallback").Options} ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions */
/** @typedef {import("bonjour-service").Bonjour} Bonjour */
/** @typedef {import("bonjour-service").Service} BonjourOptions */
/** @typedef {import("http-proxy-middleware").RequestHandler} RequestHandler */
/** @typedef {import("http-proxy-middleware").Options} HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions */
/** @typedef {import("http-proxy-middleware").Filter} HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter */
/** @typedef {import("serve-index").Options} ServeIndexOptions */
/** @typedef {import("serve-static").ServeStaticOptions} ServeStaticOptions */
/** @typedef {import("ipaddr.js").IPv4} IPv4 */
/** @typedef {import("ipaddr.js").IPv6} IPv6 */
/** @typedef {import("net").Socket} Socket */
/** @typedef {import("http").IncomingMessage} IncomingMessage */
/** @typedef {import("open").Options} OpenOptions */
/** @typedef {import("https").ServerOptions & { spdy?: { plain?: boolean | undefined, ssl?: boolean | undefined, 'x-forwarded-for'?: string | undefined, protocol?: string | undefined, protocols?: string[] | undefined }}} ServerOptions */
* @template Request, Response
* @typedef {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Options} DevMiddlewareOptions
* @template Request, Response
* @typedef {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Context} DevMiddlewareContext
* @typedef {"local-ip" | "local-ipv4" | "local-ipv6" | string} Host
* @typedef {number | string | "auto"} Port
* @typedef {Object} WatchFiles
* @property {string | string[]} paths
* @property {WatchOptions & { aggregateTimeout?: number, ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"], poll?: number | boolean }} [options]
* @typedef {Object} Static
* @property {string} [directory]
* @property {string | string[]} [publicPath]
* @property {boolean | ServeIndexOptions} [serveIndex]
* @property {ServeStaticOptions} [staticOptions]
* @property {boolean | WatchOptions & { aggregateTimeout?: number, ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"], poll?: number | boolean }} [watch]
* @typedef {Object} NormalizedStatic
* @property {string} directory
* @property {string[]} publicPath
* @property {false | ServeIndexOptions} serveIndex
* @property {ServeStaticOptions} staticOptions
* @property {false | WatchOptions} watch
* @typedef {Object} ServerConfiguration
* @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string} [type]
* @property {ServerOptions} [options]
* @typedef {Object} WebSocketServerConfiguration
* @property {"sockjs" | "ws" | string | Function} [type]
* @property {Record} [options]
* @typedef {(import("ws").WebSocket | import("sockjs").Connection & { send: import("ws").WebSocket["send"], terminate: import("ws").WebSocket["terminate"], ping: import("ws").WebSocket["ping"] }) & { isAlive?: boolean }} ClientConnection
* @typedef {import("ws").WebSocketServer | import("sockjs").Server & { close: import("ws").WebSocketServer["close"] }} WebSocketServer
* @typedef {{ implementation: WebSocketServer, clients: ClientConnection[] }} WebSocketServerImplementation
* @callback ByPass
* @param {Request} req
* @param {Response} res
* @param {ProxyConfigArrayItem} proxyConfig
* @typedef {{ path?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined, context?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined } & { bypass?: ByPass } & HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions } ProxyConfigArrayItem
* @typedef {(ProxyConfigArrayItem | ((req?: Request | undefined, res?: Response | undefined, next?: NextFunction | undefined) => ProxyConfigArrayItem))[]} ProxyConfigArray
* @typedef {{ [url: string]: string | ProxyConfigArrayItem }} ProxyConfigMap
* @typedef {Object} OpenApp
* @property {string} [name]
* @property {string[]} [arguments]
* @typedef {Object} Open
* @property {string | string[] | OpenApp} [app]
* @property {string | string[]} [target]
* @typedef {Object} NormalizedOpen
* @property {string} target
* @property {import("open").Options} options
* @typedef {Object} WebSocketURL
* @property {string} [hostname]
* @property {string} [password]
* @property {string} [pathname]
* @property {number | string} [port]
* @property {string} [protocol]
* @property {string} [username]
* @typedef {Object} ClientConfiguration
* @property {"log" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "none" | "verbose"} [logging]
* @property {boolean | { warnings?: boolean, errors?: boolean }} [overlay]
* @property {boolean} [progress]
* @property {boolean | number} [reconnect]
* @property {"ws" | "sockjs" | string} [webSocketTransport]
* @property {string | WebSocketURL} [webSocketURL]
* @typedef {Array<{ key: string; value: string }> | Record} Headers
* @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler } | ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler} Middleware
* @typedef {Object} Configuration
* @property {boolean | string} [ipc]
* @property {Host} [host]
* @property {Port} [port]
* @property {boolean | "only"} [hot]
* @property {boolean} [liveReload]
* @property {DevMiddlewareOptions} [devMiddleware]
* @property {boolean} [compress]
* @property {boolean} [magicHtml]
* @property {"auto" | "all" | string | string[]} [allowedHosts]
* @property {boolean | ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} [historyApiFallback]
* @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
* @property {boolean | Record | BonjourOptions} [bonjour]
* @property {string | string[] | WatchFiles | Array} [watchFiles]
* @property {boolean | string | Static | Array} [static]
* @property {boolean | ServerOptions} [https]
* @property {boolean} [http2]
* @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string | ServerConfiguration} [server]
* @property {boolean | "sockjs" | "ws" | string | WebSocketServerConfiguration} [webSocketServer]
* @property {ProxyConfigMap | ProxyConfigArrayItem | ProxyConfigArray} [proxy]
* @property {boolean | string | Open | Array} [open]
* @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
* @property {boolean | ClientConfiguration} [client]
* @property {Headers | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: DevMiddlewareContext) => Headers)} [headers]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onAfterSetupMiddleware]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onBeforeSetupMiddleware]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onListening]
* @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"allowed-hosts-reset": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
bonjour: {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
client: {
configs: {
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
values: boolean[];
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"client-logging": {
* @template Request, Response
* @typedef {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Options} DevMiddlewareOptions
* @template Request, Response
* @typedef {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Context} DevMiddlewareContext
* @typedef {"local-ip" | "local-ipv4" | "local-ipv6" | string} Host
* @typedef {number | string | "auto"} Port
* @typedef {Object} WatchFiles
* @property {string | string[]} paths
* @property {WatchOptions & { aggregateTimeout?: number, ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"], poll?: number | boolean }} [options]
* @typedef {Object} Static
* @property {string} [directory]
* @property {string | string[]} [publicPath]
* @property {boolean | ServeIndexOptions} [serveIndex]
* @property {ServeStaticOptions} [staticOptions]
* @property {boolean | WatchOptions & { aggregateTimeout?: number, ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"], poll?: number | boolean }} [watch]
* @typedef {Object} NormalizedStatic
* @property {string} directory
* @property {string[]} publicPath
* @property {false | ServeIndexOptions} serveIndex
* @property {ServeStaticOptions} staticOptions
* @property {false | WatchOptions} watch
* @typedef {Object} ServerConfiguration
* @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string} [type]
* @property {ServerOptions} [options]
* @typedef {Object} WebSocketServerConfiguration
* @property {"sockjs" | "ws" | string | Function} [type]
* @property {Record} [options]
* @typedef {(import("ws").WebSocket | import("sockjs").Connection & { send: import("ws").WebSocket["send"], terminate: import("ws").WebSocket["terminate"], ping: import("ws").WebSocket["ping"] }) & { isAlive?: boolean }} ClientConnection
* @typedef {import("ws").WebSocketServer | import("sockjs").Server & { close: import("ws").WebSocketServer["close"] }} WebSocketServer
* @typedef {{ implementation: WebSocketServer, clients: ClientConnection[] }} WebSocketServerImplementation
* @callback ByPass
* @param {Request} req
* @param {Response} res
* @param {ProxyConfigArrayItem} proxyConfig
* @typedef {{ path?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined, context?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined } & { bypass?: ByPass } & HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions } ProxyConfigArrayItem
* @typedef {(ProxyConfigArrayItem | ((req?: Request | undefined, res?: Response | undefined, next?: NextFunction | undefined) => ProxyConfigArrayItem))[]} ProxyConfigArray
* @typedef {{ [url: string]: string | ProxyConfigArrayItem }} ProxyConfigMap
* @typedef {Object} OpenApp
* @property {string} [name]
* @property {string[]} [arguments]
* @typedef {Object} Open
* @property {string | string[] | OpenApp} [app]
* @property {string | string[]} [target]
* @typedef {Object} NormalizedOpen
* @property {string} target
* @property {import("open").Options} options
* @typedef {Object} WebSocketURL
* @property {string} [hostname]
* @property {string} [password]
* @property {string} [pathname]
* @property {number | string} [port]
* @property {string} [protocol]
* @property {string} [username]
* @typedef {Object} ClientConfiguration
* @property {"log" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "none" | "verbose"} [logging]
* @property {boolean | { warnings?: boolean, errors?: boolean }} [overlay]
* @property {boolean} [progress]
* @property {boolean | number} [reconnect]
* @property {"ws" | "sockjs" | string} [webSocketTransport]
* @property {string | WebSocketURL} [webSocketURL]
* @typedef {Array<{ key: string; value: string }> | Record} Headers
* @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler } | ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler} Middleware
* @typedef {Object} Configuration
* @property {boolean | string} [ipc]
* @property {Host} [host]
* @property {Port} [port]
* @property {boolean | "only"} [hot]
* @property {boolean} [liveReload]
* @property {DevMiddlewareOptions} [devMiddleware]
* @property {boolean} [compress]
* @property {boolean} [magicHtml]
* @property {"auto" | "all" | string | string[]} [allowedHosts]
* @property {boolean | ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} [historyApiFallback]
* @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
* @property {boolean | Record | BonjourOptions} [bonjour]
* @property {string | string[] | WatchFiles | Array} [watchFiles]
* @property {boolean | string | Static | Array} [static]
* @property {boolean | ServerOptions} [https]
* @property {boolean} [http2]
* @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string | ServerConfiguration} [server]
* @property {boolean | "sockjs" | "ws" | string | WebSocketServerConfiguration} [webSocketServer]
* @property {ProxyConfigMap | ProxyConfigArrayItem | ProxyConfigArray} [proxy]
* @property {boolean | string | Open | Array} [open]
* @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
* @property {boolean | ClientConfiguration} [client]
* @property {Headers | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: DevMiddlewareContext) => Headers)} [headers]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onAfterSetupMiddleware]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onBeforeSetupMiddleware]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onListening]
* @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
configs: {
type: string;
values: string[];
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"client-overlay": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"client-overlay-errors": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"client-overlay-trusted-types-policy-name": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"client-overlay-warnings": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"client-progress": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
* @typedef {Object} WebSocketURL
* @property {string} [hostname]
* @property {string} [password]
* @property {string} [pathname]
* @property {number | string} [port]
* @property {string} [protocol]
* @property {string} [username]
* @typedef {Object} ClientConfiguration
* @property {"log" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "none" | "verbose"} [logging]
* @property {boolean | { warnings?: boolean, errors?: boolean }} [overlay]
* @property {boolean} [progress]
* @property {boolean | number} [reconnect]
* @property {"ws" | "sockjs" | string} [webSocketTransport]
* @property {string | WebSocketURL} [webSocketURL]
* @typedef {Array<{ key: string; value: string }> | Record} Headers
* @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler } | ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler} Middleware
* @typedef {Object} Configuration
* @property {boolean | string} [ipc]
* @property {Host} [host]
* @property {Port} [port]
* @property {boolean | "only"} [hot]
* @property {boolean} [liveReload]
* @property {DevMiddlewareOptions} [devMiddleware]
* @property {boolean} [compress]
* @property {boolean} [magicHtml]
* @property {"auto" | "all" | string | string[]} [allowedHosts]
* @property {boolean | ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} [historyApiFallback]
* @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
* @property {boolean | Record | BonjourOptions} [bonjour]
* @property {string | string[] | WatchFiles | Array} [watchFiles]
* @property {boolean | string | Static | Array} [static]
* @property {boolean | ServerOptions} [https]
* @property {boolean} [http2]
* @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string | ServerConfiguration} [server]
* @property {boolean | "sockjs" | "ws" | string | WebSocketServerConfiguration} [webSocketServer]
* @property {ProxyConfigMap | ProxyConfigArrayItem | ProxyConfigArray} [proxy]
* @property {boolean | string | Open | Array} [open]
* @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
* @property {boolean | ClientConfiguration} [client]
* @property {Headers | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: DevMiddlewareContext) => Headers)} [headers]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onAfterSetupMiddleware]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onBeforeSetupMiddleware]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onListening]
* @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
"client-reconnect": {
configs: (
| {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
| {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"client-web-socket-transport": {
configs: (
| {
type: string;
values: string[];
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
| {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"client-web-socket-url": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"client-web-socket-url-hostname": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"client-web-socket-url-password": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"client-web-socket-url-pathname": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"client-web-socket-url-port": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
* @type {FSWatcher[]}
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"client-web-socket-url-protocol": {
configs: (
| {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
values: string[];
| {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"client-web-socket-url-username": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
* @param {string} URL
* @returns {boolean}
compress: {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
* @param {string} gateway
* @returns {string | undefined}
multiple: boolean;
"history-api-fallback": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
host: {
configs: (
| {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
values: string[];
| {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
* @param {Host} hostname
* @returns {Promise}
multiple: boolean;
hot: {
configs: (
| {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
| {
type: string;
values: string[];
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
http2: {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
https: {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"https-ca": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"https-ca-reset": {
configs: {
description: string;
* @type {string[]}
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"https-cacert": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"https-cacert-reset": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"https-cert": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"https-cert-reset": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"https-crl": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"https-crl-reset": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"https-key": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"https-key-reset": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"https-passphrase": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"https-pfx": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"https-pfx-reset": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"https-request-cert": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
* prependEntry Method for webpack 4
* @param {any} originalEntry
* @param {any} newAdditionalEntries
* @returns {any}
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
ipc: {
configs: (
| {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
| {
type: string;
values: boolean[];
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"live-reload": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"magic-html": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
open: {
configs: (
| {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
/** @type {MultiCompiler} */ description: string;
path: string;
| {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"open-app": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"open-app-name": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
* @param {WatchOptions & { aggregateTimeout?: number, ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"], poll?: number | boolean }} watchOptions
* @returns {WatchOptions}
"open-app-name-reset": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"open-reset": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"open-target": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"open-target-reset": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
port: {
configs: (
| {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
| {
type: string;
values: string[];
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"server-options-ca": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-options-ca-reset": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-options-cacert": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-options-cacert-reset": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-options-cert": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-options-cert-reset": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-options-crl": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-options-crl-reset": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-options-key": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-options-key-reset": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-options-passphrase": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-options-pfx": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-options-pfx-reset": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-options-request-cert": {
configs: {
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string;
"server-type": {
configs: {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
values: string[];
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
simpleType: string /** @type {ServerOptions} */;
static: {
configs: (
| {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
| {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
/** @type {ServerOptions} */ description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"static-directory": {
configs: {
type: string;
/** @type {any} */ multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
* @param {string | Buffer | undefined} item
* @returns {string | Buffer | undefined}
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"static-public-path": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
/** @type {any} */ simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"static-public-path-reset": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"static-reset": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"static-serve-index": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"static-watch": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"watch-files": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"watch-files-reset": {
configs: {
type: string;
multiple: boolean;
description: string;
path: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"web-socket-server": {
configs: (
| {
description: string;
negatedDescription: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
values: boolean[];
| {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
values: string[];
| {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean;
"web-socket-server-type": {
configs: (
| {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string;
values: string[];
| {
description: string;
multiple: boolean;
path: string;
type: string /** @type {ServerOptions & { cacert?: ServerOptions["ca"] }} */;
description: string;
simpleType: string;
multiple: boolean /** @type {ServerOptions} */;
readonly processArguments: (
args: Record,
config: any,
values: Record<
| string
| number
| boolean
| RegExp
| (string | number | boolean | RegExp)[]
) => import("../bin/process-arguments").Problem[] | null;
static get schema(): {
title: string;
type: string;
definitions: {
AllowedHosts: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
minItems: number;
items: {
$ref: string;
enum?: undefined;
$ref?: undefined;
| {
enum: string[];
type?: undefined;
minItems?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
$ref?: undefined;
| {
$ref: string;
type?: undefined;
minItems?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
enum?: undefined;
description: string /** @typedef {import("webpack").Configuration} WebpackConfiguration */;
link: string;
AllowedHostsItem: {
type: string;
minLength: number;
Bonjour: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
} /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
description?: undefined;
link?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
description: string;
link: string;
cli?: undefined /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
description: string;
link: string;
Client: {
description: string;
link: string;
anyOf: (
| {
enum: boolean[];
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
type?: undefined;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
properties?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
logging: {
$ref: string;
/** @typedef {import("serve-static").ServeStaticOptions} ServeStaticOptions */
/** @typedef {import("ipaddr.js").IPv4} IPv4 */
/** @typedef {import("ipaddr.js").IPv6} IPv6 */
/** @typedef {import("net").Socket} Socket */
/** @typedef {import("http").IncomingMessage} IncomingMessage */
/** @typedef {import("open").Options} OpenOptions */
/** @typedef {import("https").ServerOptions & { spdy?: { plain?: boolean | undefined, ssl?: boolean | undefined, 'x-forwarded-for'?: string | undefined, protocol?: string | undefined, protocols?: string[] | undefined }}} ServerOptions */
* @template Request, Response
* @typedef {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Options} DevMiddlewareOptions
* @template Request, Response
* @typedef {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Context} DevMiddlewareContext
* @typedef {"local-ip" | "local-ipv4" | "local-ipv6" | string} Host
* @typedef {number | string | "auto"} Port
* @typedef {Object} WatchFiles
* @property {string | string[]} paths
* @property {WatchOptions & { aggregateTimeout?: number, ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"], poll?: number | boolean }} [options]
* @typedef {Object} Static
* @property {string} [directory]
* @property {string | string[]} [publicPath]
* @property {boolean | ServeIndexOptions} [serveIndex]
* @property {ServeStaticOptions} [staticOptions]
* @property {boolean | WatchOptions & { aggregateTimeout?: number, ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"], poll?: number | boolean }} [watch]
* @typedef {Object} NormalizedStatic
* @property {string} directory
* @property {string[]} publicPath
* @property {false | ServeIndexOptions} serveIndex
* @property {ServeStaticOptions} staticOptions
* @property {false | WatchOptions} watch
* @typedef {Object} ServerConfiguration
* @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string} [type]
* @property {ServerOptions} [options]
* @typedef {Object} WebSocketServerConfiguration
* @property {"sockjs" | "ws" | string | Function} [type]
* @property {Record} [options]
* @typedef {(import("ws").WebSocket | import("sockjs").Connection & { send: import("ws").WebSocket["send"], terminate: import("ws").WebSocket["terminate"], ping: import("ws").WebSocket["ping"] }) & { isAlive?: boolean }} ClientConnection
* @typedef {import("ws").WebSocketServer | import("sockjs").Server & { close: import("ws").WebSocketServer["close"] }} WebSocketServer
* @typedef {{ implementation: WebSocketServer, clients: ClientConnection[] }} WebSocketServerImplementation
* @callback ByPass
* @param {Request} req
* @param {Response} res
* @param {ProxyConfigArrayItem} proxyConfig
* @typedef {{ path?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined, context?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined } & { bypass?: ByPass } & HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions } ProxyConfigArrayItem
* @typedef {(ProxyConfigArrayItem | ((req?: Request | undefined, res?: Response | undefined, next?: NextFunction | undefined) => ProxyConfigArrayItem))[]} ProxyConfigArray
* @typedef {{ [url: string]: string | ProxyConfigArrayItem }} ProxyConfigMap
* @typedef {Object} OpenApp
* @property {string} [name]
* @property {string[]} [arguments]
* @typedef {Object} Open
* @property {string | string[] | OpenApp} [app]
* @property {string | string[]} [target]
* @typedef {Object} NormalizedOpen
* @property {string} target
* @property {import("open").Options} options
* @typedef {Object} WebSocketURL
* @property {string} [hostname]
* @property {string} [password]
* @property {string} [pathname]
* @property {number | string} [port]
* @property {string} [protocol]
* @property {string} [username]
* @typedef {Object} ClientConfiguration
* @property {"log" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "none" | "verbose"} [logging]
* @property {boolean | { warnings?: boolean, errors?: boolean }} [overlay]
* @property {boolean} [progress]
* @property {boolean | number} [reconnect]
* @property {"ws" | "sockjs" | string} [webSocketTransport]
* @property {string | WebSocketURL} [webSocketURL]
* @typedef {Array<{ key: string; value: string }> | Record} Headers
* @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler } | ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler} Middleware
* @typedef {Object} Configuration
* @property {boolean | string} [ipc]
* @property {Host} [host]
* @property {Port} [port]
* @property {boolean | "only"} [hot]
* @property {boolean} [liveReload]
* @property {DevMiddlewareOptions} [devMiddleware]
* @property {boolean} [compress]
* @property {boolean} [magicHtml]
* @property {"auto" | "all" | string | string[]} [allowedHosts]
* @property {boolean | ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} [historyApiFallback]
* @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
* @property {boolean | Record | BonjourOptions} [bonjour]
* @property {string | string[] | WatchFiles | Array} [watchFiles]
* @property {boolean | string | Static | Array} [static]
* @property {boolean | ServerOptions} [https]
* @property {boolean} [http2]
* @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string | ServerConfiguration} [server]
* @property {boolean | "sockjs" | "ws" | string | WebSocketServerConfiguration} [webSocketServer]
* @property {ProxyConfigMap | ProxyConfigArrayItem | ProxyConfigArray} [proxy]
* @property {boolean | string | Open | Array} [open]
* @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
* @property {boolean | ClientConfiguration} [client]
* @property {Headers | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: DevMiddlewareContext) => Headers)} [headers]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onAfterSetupMiddleware]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onBeforeSetupMiddleware]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onListening]
* @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
overlay: {
$ref: string;
progress: {
$ref: string;
reconnect: {
$ref: string;
webSocketTransport: {
$ref: string;
webSocketURL: {
$ref: string;
enum?: undefined;
cli?: undefined /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
ClientLogging: {
enum: string[];
description: string;
link: string;
ClientOverlay: {
anyOf: (
| {
description: string;
link: string;
type: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
properties?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
errors: {
description: string;
type: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
warnings: {
description: string;
type: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
trustedTypesPolicyName: {
description: string;
type: string;
description?: undefined;
link?: undefined;
cli?: undefined /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
ClientProgress: {
description: string;
link: string;
type: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
ClientReconnect: {
description: string;
link: string;
anyOf: (
| {
* @typedef {{ path?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined, context?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined } & { bypass?: ByPass } & HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions } ProxyConfigArrayItem
* @typedef {(ProxyConfigArrayItem | ((req?: Request | undefined, res?: Response | undefined, next?: NextFunction | undefined) => ProxyConfigArrayItem))[]} ProxyConfigArray
* @typedef {{ [url: string]: string | ProxyConfigArrayItem }} ProxyConfigMap
* @typedef {Object} OpenApp
* @property {string} [name]
* @property {string[]} [arguments]
* @typedef {Object} Open
* @property {string | string[] | OpenApp} [app]
* @property {string | string[]} [target]
* @typedef {Object} NormalizedOpen
* @property {string} target
* @property {import("open").Options} options
* @typedef {Object} WebSocketURL
* @property {string} [hostname]
* @property {string} [password]
* @property {string} [pathname]
* @property {number | string} [port]
* @property {string} [protocol]
* @property {string} [username]
* @typedef {Object} ClientConfiguration
* @property {"log" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "none" | "verbose"} [logging]
* @property {boolean | { warnings?: boolean, errors?: boolean }} [overlay]
* @property {boolean} [progress]
* @property {boolean | number} [reconnect]
* @property {"ws" | "sockjs" | string} [webSocketTransport]
* @property {string | WebSocketURL} [webSocketURL]
* @typedef {Array<{ key: string; value: string }> | Record} Headers
* @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler } | ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler} Middleware
* @typedef {Object} Configuration
* @property {boolean | string} [ipc]
* @property {Host} [host]
* @property {Port} [port]
* @property {boolean | "only"} [hot]
* @property {boolean} [liveReload]
* @property {DevMiddlewareOptions} [devMiddleware]
* @property {boolean} [compress]
* @property {boolean} [magicHtml]
* @property {"auto" | "all" | string | string[]} [allowedHosts]
* @property {boolean | ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} [historyApiFallback]
* @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
* @property {boolean | Record | BonjourOptions} [bonjour]
* @property {string | string[] | WatchFiles | Array} [watchFiles]
* @property {boolean | string | Static | Array} [static]
* @property {boolean | ServerOptions} [https]
* @property {boolean} [http2]
* @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string | ServerConfiguration} [server]
* @property {boolean | "sockjs" | "ws" | string | WebSocketServerConfiguration} [webSocketServer]
* @property {ProxyConfigMap | ProxyConfigArrayItem | ProxyConfigArray} [proxy]
* @property {boolean | string | Open | Array} [open]
* @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
* @property {boolean | ClientConfiguration} [client]
* @property {Headers | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: DevMiddlewareContext) => Headers)} [headers]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onAfterSetupMiddleware]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onBeforeSetupMiddleware]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onListening]
* @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
type: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
minimum?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
minimum: number;
cli?: undefined /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
ClientWebSocketTransport: {
anyOf: {
$ref: string;
* @typedef {Object} OpenApp
* @property {string} [name]
* @property {string[]} [arguments]
* @typedef {Object} Open
* @property {string | string[] | OpenApp} [app]
* @property {string | string[]} [target]
* @typedef {Object} NormalizedOpen
* @property {string} target
* @property {import("open").Options} options
* @typedef {Object} WebSocketURL
* @property {string} [hostname]
* @property {string} [password]
* @property {string} [pathname]
* @property {number | string} [port]
* @property {string} [protocol]
* @property {string} [username]
* @typedef {Object} ClientConfiguration
* @property {"log" | "info" | "warn" | "error" | "none" | "verbose"} [logging]
* @property {boolean | { warnings?: boolean, errors?: boolean }} [overlay]
* @property {boolean} [progress]
* @property {boolean | number} [reconnect]
* @property {"ws" | "sockjs" | string} [webSocketTransport]
* @property {string | WebSocketURL} [webSocketURL]
* @typedef {Array<{ key: string; value: string }> | Record} Headers
* @typedef {{ name?: string, path?: string, middleware: ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler } | ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler} Middleware
* @typedef {Object} Configuration
* @property {boolean | string} [ipc]
* @property {Host} [host]
* @property {Port} [port]
* @property {boolean | "only"} [hot]
* @property {boolean} [liveReload]
* @property {DevMiddlewareOptions} [devMiddleware]
* @property {boolean} [compress]
* @property {boolean} [magicHtml]
* @property {"auto" | "all" | string | string[]} [allowedHosts]
* @property {boolean | ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions} [historyApiFallback]
* @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
* @property {boolean | Record | BonjourOptions} [bonjour]
* @property {string | string[] | WatchFiles | Array} [watchFiles]
* @property {boolean | string | Static | Array} [static]
* @property {boolean | ServerOptions} [https]
* @property {boolean} [http2]
* @property {"http" | "https" | "spdy" | string | ServerConfiguration} [server]
* @property {boolean | "sockjs" | "ws" | string | WebSocketServerConfiguration} [webSocketServer]
* @property {ProxyConfigMap | ProxyConfigArrayItem | ProxyConfigArray} [proxy]
* @property {boolean | string | Open | Array} [open]
* @property {boolean} [setupExitSignals]
* @property {boolean | ClientConfiguration} [client]
* @property {Headers | ((req: Request, res: Response, context: DevMiddlewareContext) => Headers)} [headers]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onAfterSetupMiddleware]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onBeforeSetupMiddleware]
* @property {(devServer: Server) => void} [onListening]
* @property {(middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server) => Middleware[]} [setupMiddlewares]
description: string;
link: string;
ClientWebSocketTransportEnum: {
enum: string[];
ClientWebSocketTransportString: {
type: string;
minLength: number;
* @typedef {Object} WebSocketURL
* @property {string} [hostname]
* @property {string} [password]
* @property {string} [pathname]
* @property {number | string} [port]
* @property {string} [protocol]
* @property {string} [username]
ClientWebSocketURL: {
description: string;
link: string;
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
minLength: number;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
properties?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
hostname: {
description: string;
type: string;
minLength: number;
pathname: {
description: string;
type: string;
password: {
description: string;
type: string;
port: {
description: string;
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
minLength?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
minLength: number;
protocol: {
description: string;
anyOf: (
| {
enum: string[];
type?: undefined;
minLength?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
minLength: number;
enum?: undefined;
username: {
description: string;
type: string;
minLength?: undefined;
Compress: {
type: string;
description: string;
link: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
DevMiddleware: {
description: string;
link: string;
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
HTTP2: {
type: string;
description: string;
link: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
properties?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
passphrase: {
type: string;
description: string;
requestCert: {
type: string;
description: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
ca: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
cacert: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
cert: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
crl: {
* @param {"v4" | "v6"} family
* @returns {Promise}
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
key: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
instanceof?: undefined;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
instanceof?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
pfx: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
instanceof?: undefined;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
instanceof?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
cli?: undefined /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
description: string;
link: string;
HeaderObject: {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
key: {
description: string;
type: string;
value: {
description: string;
type: string;
cli: {
exclude: boolean;
Headers: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
$ref: string;
minItems: number;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
minItems?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
minItems?: undefined;
description: string;
link: string /** @type {WebSocketURL} */;
HistoryApiFallback: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
description?: undefined;
link?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
description: string;
link: string;
/** @type {string} */
cli?: undefined /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
description: string;
link: string;
Host: {
description: string;
link: string;
anyOf: (
| {
enum: string[];
type?: undefined;
minLength?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
minLength: number;
enum?: undefined;
Hot: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
enum?: undefined;
| {
enum: string[];
type?: undefined;
cli?: undefined /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
description: string;
link: string;
IPC: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
minLength: number;
enum?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
enum: boolean[];
minLength?: undefined;
description: string;
link: string;
LiveReload: {
type: string;
description: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
link: string;
MagicHTML: {
type: string;
description: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
link: string;
OnAfterSetupMiddleware: {
instanceof: string;
description: string;
link: string;
OnBeforeSetupMiddleware: {
instanceof: string;
description: string;
link: string;
OnListening: {
instanceof: string;
description: string;
link: string;
Open: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: {
$ref: string;
$ref?: undefined;
| {
$ref: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
link: string;
OpenBoolean: {
type: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
OpenObject: {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
target: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
type: string;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
app: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
name: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
type: string;
minLength: number;
minItems: number;
minLength?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
minLength: number;
items?: undefined;
minItems?: undefined;
arguments: {
items: {
type: string;
minLength: number;
minLength?: undefined;
description?: undefined;
cli?: undefined /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
| {
type: string;
minLength: number;
description: string;
cli: {
description: string;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
properties?: undefined;
description: string;
OpenString: {
type: string;
minLength: number;
Port: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
minimum: number;
maximum: number;
minLength?: undefined;
enum?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
minLength: number;
minimum?: undefined;
maximum?: undefined;
enum?: undefined;
| {
enum: string[];
type?: undefined;
minimum?: undefined;
maximum?: undefined;
minLength?: undefined;
description: string;
link: string;
Proxy: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
description: string;
link: string;
Server: {
anyOf: {
$ref: string;
link: string;
description: string;
ServerType: {
enum: string[];
ServerEnum: {
enum: string[];
cli: {
exclude: boolean;
ServerString: {
type: string;
minLength: number;
cli: {
exclude: boolean;
ServerObject: {
type: string;
properties: {
type: {
anyOf: {
$ref: string;
options: {
$ref: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
ServerOptions: {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
passphrase: {
type: string;
description: string;
requestCert: {
type: string;
description: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
ca: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
cacert: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
cert: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
crl: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
key: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
instanceof?: undefined;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
instanceof?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
pfx: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
instanceof?: undefined;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
instanceof?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
instanceof?: undefined;
| {
instanceof: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
SetupExitSignals: {
type: string;
description: string;
link: string;
cli: {
exclude: boolean;
SetupMiddlewares: {
instanceof: string;
description: string;
link: string;
Static: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: {
$ref: string;
cli?: undefined /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
$ref?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
items?: undefined;
$ref?: undefined;
| {
$ref: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
cli?: undefined /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
description: string;
link: string;
StaticObject: {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
directory: {
type: string;
minLength: number;
description: string;
link: string;
staticOptions: {
type: string;
link: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
publicPath: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
type: string;
minItems: number;
| {
type: string;
items?: undefined;
minItems?: undefined;
description: string;
link: string;
serveIndex: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
additionalProperties?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
cli?: undefined /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
description: string;
link: string;
watch: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
description?: undefined;
link?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
description: string;
link: string;
cli?: undefined /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
description: string;
link: string;
StaticString: {
type: string;
minLength: number;
WatchFiles: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
anyOf: {
$ref: string;
$ref?: undefined;
| {
$ref: string;
type?: undefined;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
link: string;
WatchFilesObject: {
cli: {
exclude: boolean;
type: string;
properties: {
paths: {
anyOf: (
| {
type: string;
items: {
type: string;
minLength: number;
minLength?: undefined;
| {
type: string;
minLength: number;
items?: undefined;
description: string;
options: {
type: string;
description: string;
link: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
additionalProperties: boolean;
WatchFilesString: {
type: string;
minLength: number;
WebSocketServer: {
anyOf: {
$ref: string;
description: string;
link: string;
WebSocketServerType: {
enum: string[];
WebSocketServerEnum: {
anyOf: (
| {
enum: boolean[];
/** @type {ServerOptions} */ cli: {
negatedDescription: string;
/** @type {ServerOptions} */ $ref?: undefined;
| {
$ref: string;
enum?: undefined;
cli?: undefined /** @typedef {import("express").Request} Request */;
cli: {
description: string;
WebSocketServerFunction: {
instanceof: string;
WebSocketServerObject: {
type: string;
properties: {
type: {
anyOf: {
$ref: string;
options: {
type: string;
additionalProperties: boolean;
cli: {
exclude: boolean;
additionalProperties: boolean;
WebSocketServerString: {
type: string;
minLength: number;
additionalProperties: boolean;
properties: {
allowedHosts: {
$ref: string;
bonjour: {
$ref: string;
client: {
$ref: string;
compress: {
$ref: string;
devMiddleware: {
$ref: string;
headers: {
$ref: string;
historyApiFallback: {
$ref: string;
host: {
$ref: string;
hot: {
$ref: string;
http2: {
$ref: string;
https: {
$ref: string;
ipc: {
$ref: string;
liveReload: {
$ref: string;
magicHtml: {
$ref: string;
onAfterSetupMiddleware: {
$ref: string;
onBeforeSetupMiddleware: {
$ref: string;
onListening: {
$ref: string;
open: {
$ref: string;
port: {
$ref: string;
proxy: {
$ref: string;
server: {
$ref: string;
setupExitSignals: {
$ref: string;
setupMiddlewares: {
$ref: string;
static: {
$ref: string;
watchFiles: {
$ref: string;
webSocketServer: {
$ref: string;
* @param {string} URL
* @returns {boolean}
static isAbsoluteURL(URL: string): boolean;
* @param {string} gateway
* @returns {string | undefined}
static findIp(gateway: string): string | undefined;
* @param {"v4" | "v6"} family
* @returns {Promise}
static internalIP(family: "v4" | "v6"): Promise;
* @param {"v4" | "v6"} family
* @returns {string | undefined}
static internalIPSync(family: "v4" | "v6"): string | undefined;
* @param {Host} hostname
* @returns {Promise}
static getHostname(hostname: Host): Promise;
* @param {Port} port
* @param {string} host
* @returns {Promise}
static getFreePort(port: Port, host: string): Promise;
* @returns {string}
static findCacheDir(): string;
* @param {Configuration | Compiler | MultiCompiler} options
* @param {Compiler | MultiCompiler | Configuration} compiler
| import("webpack").Compiler
| import("webpack").MultiCompiler
| Configuration
| undefined,
compiler: Compiler | MultiCompiler | Configuration
compiler: import("webpack").Compiler | import("webpack").MultiCompiler;
* @type {ReturnType}
* */
logger: ReturnType;
options: Configuration;
* @type {FSWatcher[]}
staticWatchers: FSWatcher[];
* @private
* @type {{ name: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void}[] }}
private listeners;
* @private
* @type {RequestHandler[]}
private webSocketProxies;
* @type {Socket[]}
sockets: Socket[];
* @private
* @type {string | undefined}
private currentHash;
* @private
* @param {Compiler} compiler
private addAdditionalEntries;
* @private
* @returns {Compiler["options"]}
private getCompilerOptions;
* @private
* @returns {Promise}
private normalizeOptions;
* @private
* @returns {string}
private getClientTransport;
* @private
* @returns {string}
private getServerTransport;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private setupProgressPlugin;
* @private
* @returns {Promise}
private initialize;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private setupApp;
/** @type {import("express").Application | undefined}*/
app: import("express").Application | undefined;
* @private
* @param {Stats | MultiStats} statsObj
* @returns {StatsCompilation}
private getStats;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private setupHooks;
* @private
* @type {Stats | MultiStats}
private stats;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private setupHostHeaderCheck;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private setupDevMiddleware;
| import("webpack-dev-middleware").API<
| null
| undefined;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private setupBuiltInRoutes;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private setupWatchStaticFiles;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private setupWatchFiles;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private setupMiddlewares;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private createServer;
/** @type {import("http").Server | undefined | null} */
server: import("http").Server | undefined | null;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private createWebSocketServer;
/** @type {WebSocketServerImplementation | undefined | null} */
webSocketServer: WebSocketServerImplementation | undefined | null;
* @private
* @param {string} defaultOpenTarget
* @returns {void}
private openBrowser;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private runBonjour;
* @private
* @type {Bonjour | undefined}
private bonjour;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private stopBonjour;
* @private
* @returns {void}
private logStatus;
* @private
* @param {Request} req
* @param {Response} res
* @param {NextFunction} next
private setHeaders;
* @private
* @param {{ [key: string]: string | undefined }} headers
* @param {string} headerToCheck
* @returns {boolean}
private checkHeader;
* @param {ClientConnection[]} clients
* @param {string} type
* @param {any} [data]
* @param {any} [params]
clients: ClientConnection[],
type: string,
data?: any,
params?: any
): void;
* @private
* @param {Request} req
* @param {Response} res
* @param {NextFunction} next
* @returns {void}
private serveMagicHtml;
* @private
* @param {ClientConnection[]} clients
* @param {StatsCompilation} stats
* @param {boolean} [force]
private sendStats;
* @param {string | string[]} watchPath
* @param {WatchOptions} [watchOptions]
watchPath: string | string[],
watchOptions?: import("chokidar").WatchOptions | undefined
): void;
* @param {import("webpack-dev-middleware").Callback} [callback]
callback?: import("webpack-dev-middleware").Callback | undefined
): void;
* @returns {Promise}
start(): Promise;
* @param {(err?: Error) => void} [callback]
startCallback(callback?: ((err?: Error) => void) | undefined): void;
* @returns {Promise}
stop(): Promise;
* @param {(err?: Error) => void} [callback]
stopCallback(callback?: ((err?: Error) => void) | undefined): void;
* @param {Port} port
* @param {Host} hostname
* @param {(err?: Error) => void} fn
* @returns {void}
listen(port: Port, hostname: Host, fn: (err?: Error) => void): void;
* @param {(err?: Error) => void} [callback]
* @returns {void}
close(callback?: ((err?: Error) => void) | undefined): void;
declare namespace Server {
export {
type Compiler = import("webpack").Compiler;
type Configuration = {
ipc?: string | boolean | undefined;
host?: string | undefined;
port?: Port | undefined;
hot?: boolean | "only" | undefined;
liveReload?: boolean | undefined;
| DevMiddlewareOptions<
| undefined;
compress?: boolean | undefined;
magicHtml?: boolean | undefined;
allowedHosts?: string | string[] | undefined;
| boolean
| import("connect-history-api-fallback").Options
| undefined;
setupExitSignals?: boolean | undefined;
| boolean
| Record
| import("bonjour-service").Service
| undefined;
| string
| string[]
| WatchFiles
| (string | WatchFiles)[]
| undefined;
static?: string | boolean | Static | (string | Static)[] | undefined;
https?: boolean | ServerOptions | undefined;
http2?: boolean | undefined;
server?: string | ServerConfiguration | undefined;
webSocketServer?: string | boolean | WebSocketServerConfiguration | undefined;
proxy?: ProxyConfigArrayItem | ProxyConfigMap | ProxyConfigArray | undefined;
open?: string | boolean | Open | (string | Open)[] | undefined;
client?: boolean | ClientConfiguration | undefined;
| Headers
| ((
req: Request,
res: Response,
context: DevMiddlewareContext
) => Headers)
| undefined;
onAfterSetupMiddleware?: ((devServer: Server) => void) | undefined;
onBeforeSetupMiddleware?: ((devServer: Server) => void) | undefined;
onListening?: ((devServer: Server) => void) | undefined;
| ((middlewares: Middleware[], devServer: Server) => Middleware[])
| undefined;
type FSWatcher = import("chokidar").FSWatcher;
type Socket = import("net").Socket;
import express = require("express");
type WebSocketServerImplementation = {
implementation: WebSocketServer;
clients: ClientConnection[];
type ClientConnection = (
| import("ws").WebSocket
| (import("sockjs").Connection & {
send: import("ws").WebSocket["send"];
terminate: import("ws").WebSocket["terminate"];
ping: import("ws").WebSocket["ping"];
) & {
isAlive?: boolean;
type Port = number | string | "auto";
type Host = "local-ip" | "local-ipv4" | "local-ipv6" | string;
type MultiCompiler = import("webpack").MultiCompiler;
declare class DEFAULT_STATS {
private constructor();
type Schema = import("schema-utils/declarations/validate").Schema;
type WebpackConfiguration = import("webpack").Configuration;
type StatsOptions = import("webpack").StatsOptions;
type StatsCompilation = import("webpack").StatsCompilation;
type Stats = import("webpack").Stats;
type MultiStats = import("webpack").MultiStats;
type NetworkInterfaceInfo = import("os").NetworkInterfaceInfo;
type Request = import("express").Request;
type Response = import("express").Response;
type NextFunction = import("express").NextFunction;
type ExpressRequestHandler = import("express").RequestHandler;
type ExpressErrorRequestHandler = import("express").ErrorRequestHandler;
type WatchOptions = import("chokidar").WatchOptions;
type ConnectHistoryApiFallbackOptions =
type Bonjour = import("bonjour-service").Bonjour;
type BonjourOptions = import("bonjour-service").Service;
type RequestHandler = import("http-proxy-middleware").RequestHandler;
type HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions = import("http-proxy-middleware").Options;
type HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter = import("http-proxy-middleware").Filter;
type ServeIndexOptions = import("serve-index").Options;
type ServeStaticOptions = import("serve-static").ServeStaticOptions;
type IPv4 = import("ipaddr.js").IPv4;
type IPv6 = import("ipaddr.js").IPv6;
type IncomingMessage = import("http").IncomingMessage;
type OpenOptions = import("open").Options;
type ServerOptions = import("https").ServerOptions & {
spdy?: {
plain?: boolean | undefined;
ssl?: boolean | undefined;
"x-forwarded-for"?: string | undefined;
protocol?: string | undefined;
protocols?: string[] | undefined;
type DevMiddlewareOptions =
type DevMiddlewareContext =
type WatchFiles = {
paths: string | string[];
| (import("chokidar").WatchOptions & {
aggregateTimeout?: number | undefined;
ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"];
poll?: number | boolean | undefined;
| undefined;
type Static = {
directory?: string | undefined;
publicPath?: string | string[] | undefined;
serveIndex?: boolean | import("serve-index").Options | undefined;
| import("serve-static").ServeStaticOptions
| undefined;
| boolean
| (import("chokidar").WatchOptions & {
aggregateTimeout?: number | undefined;
ignored?: WatchOptions["ignored"];
poll?: number | boolean | undefined;
| undefined;
type NormalizedStatic = {
directory: string;
publicPath: string[];
serveIndex: false | ServeIndexOptions;
staticOptions: ServeStaticOptions;
watch: false | WatchOptions;
type ServerConfiguration = {
type?: string | undefined;
options?: ServerOptions | undefined;
type WebSocketServerConfiguration = {
type?: string | Function | undefined;
options?: Record | undefined;
type WebSocketServer =
| import("ws").WebSocketServer
| (import("sockjs").Server & {
close: import("ws").WebSocketServer["close"];
type ByPass = (
req: Request,
res: Response,
proxyConfig: ProxyConfigArrayItem
) => any;
type ProxyConfigArrayItem = {
path?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined;
context?: HttpProxyMiddlewareOptionsFilter | undefined;
} & {
bypass?: ByPass;
} & HttpProxyMiddlewareOptions;
type ProxyConfigArray = (
| ProxyConfigArrayItem
| ((
req?: Request | undefined,
res?: Response | undefined,
next?: NextFunction | undefined
) => ProxyConfigArrayItem)
type ProxyConfigMap = {
[url: string]: string | ProxyConfigArrayItem;
type OpenApp = {
name?: string | undefined;
arguments?: string[] | undefined;
type Open = {
app?: string | string[] | OpenApp | undefined;
target?: string | string[] | undefined;
type NormalizedOpen = {
target: string;
options: import("open").Options;
type WebSocketURL = {
hostname?: string | undefined;
password?: string | undefined;
pathname?: string | undefined;
port?: string | number | undefined;
protocol?: string | undefined;
username?: string | undefined;
type ClientConfiguration = {
logging?: "none" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "log" | "verbose" | undefined;
| boolean
| {
warnings?: boolean | undefined;
errors?: boolean | undefined;
| undefined;
progress?: boolean | undefined;
reconnect?: number | boolean | undefined;
webSocketTransport?: string | undefined;
webSocketURL?: string | WebSocketURL | undefined;
type Headers =
| Array<{
key: string;
value: string;
| Record;
type Middleware =
| {
name?: string;
path?: string;
middleware: ExpressRequestHandler | ExpressErrorRequestHandler;
| ExpressRequestHandler
| ExpressErrorRequestHandler;
import path = require("path");
type DevServerConfiguration = Configuration;
declare module "webpack" {
interface Configuration {
* Can be used to configure the behaviour of webpack-dev-server when
* the webpack config is passed to webpack-dev-server CLI.
devServer?: DevServerConfiguration | undefined;