{{ HTML::script(asset('public/js/jquery.min.js')) }} {{ HTML::script(asset('public/js/jquery.plugin.js')) }} {{ HTML::style(asset('public/css/paddingmargin.css')) }} {{ HTML::style(asset('public/css/common.css')) }} {{ HTML::style(asset('public/css/widthbox.css')) }} {{ HTML::script(asset('public/js/bootstrap.min.js')) }} {{ HTML::style(asset('public/css/bootstrap.min.css')) }} {{ HTML::script(asset('public/js/sweetalert.js')) }} {{ HTML::script(asset('public/js/demoJapanese.js')) }} {{ HTML::style(asset('public/css/sweetalert.css')) }} @if (Session::get('languageval') == 'en') {{ HTML::script(asset('public/js/english.js')) }} @elseif(empty(Session::get('languageval'))) {{ HTML::script(asset('public/js/japanese.js')) }} @else {{ HTML::script(asset('public/js/japanese.js')) }} @endif {{ Form::open(array('name'=>'frmview', 'id'=>'frmview', 'method' => 'POST', 'files'=>true)) }} {{ Form::hidden('scripttype', '' , array('id' => 'scripttype')) }} {{ Form::hidden('lettertype', $request->lettertype , array('id' => 'lettertype')) }} {{ Form::hidden('answer', '' , array('id' => 'answer')) }} {{ Form::hidden('success', '' , array('id' => 'success')) }} {{ Form::hidden('failure', '' , array('id' => 'failure')) }} {{ Form::hidden('total', '' , array('id' => 'total')) }}
@if($request->scripttype == 1) @if($request->lettertype == 0)

Romaji to Hiragana

@elseif($request->lettertype == 1)

Hiragana to Romaji

@endif @elseif($request->scripttype == 2) @if($request->lettertype == 2)

Romaji to Katakana

@elseif($request->lettertype == 3)

Katakana to Romaji

@endif @endif
@if($request->scripttype == 1)
@if($request->lettertype == 0) Click the hiragana title that matches the romaji reading. @elseif($request->lettertype == 1) Click the romaji title that matches the hiragana reading. @endif
@elseif($request->scripttype == 2)
@if($request->lettertype == 2) Click the katakana title that matches the romaji reading. @elseif($request->lettertype == 3) Click the romaji title that matches the katakana reading. @endif

or Cancel
{{ Form::close() }}